Yua Yanai

IC Information

Age: 27ish
Race: Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun (non-tribal)
Gender: Ciswoman
Sexuality: Demisexual, male-leaning
Relationship status: Married, very selectively polyamorous.
Tattoos: Both arms are decorated with black tattoos of stylized summoning runes, swirling and wild, and there are similar runes over her heart. The back of her left hand has some simple healing runes.

Comfort or freedom, which do you choose?Now-christened as the Self-Made, a cycle ago the Miqo'te walked away from a life of leisure and pampering: a gilded cage. Freedom. Power. After spending so long with neither, she craves both.A bright streak of light across the world, she warms those she touches, but fire always, always brings risks. The blossoming mage with a temper, the fiercely loyal friend and partner, the vulnerable girl who never quite grew up: which face will you linger long enough to encounter?She's playful, curious, passionate, temperamental, oversensitive, compassionate and callous in turns. Come and watch her burn.

RP Hooks

Professional: Yua's day job is creating specialized designs for enchanted jewelry and trinkets. Occasionally she runs stalls at the local markets. It's always worth discussing a commission, even if she connects you to another artisan.Combat: Yua is growing into her own as a fierce fighter, and is most commonly found at the crossroads outside the Gates of Thal that's come to be known as the Bloodsands (no relation), fighting with magic and weapon alike. She's also available to heal in a pinch, although reducing her to a "healer" is a fast track to the receiving end of her temper.Collection: Yua is always looking to collect both new spells and magical artifacts; her interest in the arcane is made immediately apparent by the stylized runed tattoos on her arms, chest, and hand. Those who can sense aether might notice that she's more or less brimming with it.Background: She's a Seeker, but growing up in Yanxia ensures she has at least a hint of an accent that doesn't quite line up with her appearance. To the trained Eastern ear, she sounds like a yokel.Connections: Yua is often seen wearing the blue of the Dotharl. Lately, she's also usually seen with a Miqo'te baby - her first child.History: Thanks to her past, Yua has a tendency to hoard things, to respond with suspicion to strangers but cling to the friends she can trust, and to be obviously and excessively apprehensive around law enforcement. Are you a guard of some kind? Watch her twitch.More information about what I look for in RP

OOC Info

About me: I'm 35 years old (she/they pronouns, please!). I've been roleplaying for several years, primarily in FFXIV. I'm also a semi-professional writer. Right now I'm not taking on new long-term RP partners.

What I look for in RP:
Mandatory - Over 21: Writers and characters who are over 21 both IC and OOC..
Flexible settings. Public, small group, private are all fine.
Writing fluidity/style. I'm an avid reader of many kinds of books. Let's write, not just RP!
One-off scenes. Any that you think might be fun. Magical training/artifacts are a good way to get Yua's attention.
OOC communication. Please communicate with me about any discomfort/boundaries you might have.
Actions have consequences, both short- and long-term. The things that Yua sees and does deeply impact her character. I greatly prefer to roleplay with people who share this philosophy.
What I do not look for:
ERP. If you are hoping for ERP, move on.
Romance. Currently, I have no goals to find Yua a new romantic interest.
Passive aggression/guilt tripping OOC. You don't owe me your time, and I don't owe you mine. Please act accordingly.
IC/OOC bigotry. I am not interested in engaging with characters or players who are openly sexist, racist, or transphobic. In-universe lore-driven conflicts are fine.
IC/OOC bleed. I am not my character. Disrespecting these boundaries is a zero-tolerance offense.
Mare & Mods. I am not going to add you on Mare. If you consider Mare a vital part of your roleplay, I'm not interested in writing with you.


Yua's Workshop

All prices are IC gil only!

Sound dampenersCalibrated to automatically dampen sounds above a particular threshold to avoid hearing damage or unpleasant surprises. Cut wind crystal appears similar to peridot. Available as earrings or ear cuffs (safe for horns), in silver or gold.20,000
Rain-proof ringWear this basic gold ring inlaid with water crystals along the side, and water will slide off you like a duck's back! Please note that if you try to jump into water while wearing one of these, dire consequences and sprained ankles can occur.15,000
Moonlit RingA simply hand-engraved silver ring with an inset moonstone hides a secret - press a small button on the bottom and it'll exude a soft moonlit glow around the wearer for about two bells: hopefully enough time to find your way home. Takes a full day of sunlight to recharge.20,000
Silvergrace yol cloak claspThis cloak clasp shaped like one of the Azim Steppe's fiercest birds and cast in the Steppe's own silvergrace doesn't come with any particular enchantment, but the koppranickel alloy ensures that it'll stay secure for any kind of adventures you might seek.5,000
Lucky tiger statuetteThis little tiger cast in rose gold can fit in the palm of your hand, but it packs a potent luck charm that's sure to bring good fortune to your household. Great for gifts!10,000
Peaceful lamb figurineThis sleeping little lamb cast in silvergrace has a charm designed to bring peace and safety to whichever home you provide it.8,000
Amulets of connection (Pair)This pair of crystals dangling from simple gold chains are attuned to one other; tapping on one will lead the other to glow, and with someone experienced in the use of aether, one can be used to find the other. Good for emergencies or quietly escaping awkward situations. LIMITED SUPPLY.100,000
Prank boxAn audacious first venture into cogs, this prettily engraved gold-plated jewelry box sized to hold a few rings seems like a lovely gift - till it pops open in the middle of the night and spews a bad joke. Every night. Like clockwork, which it is. LIMITED SUPPLY.75,000


Commissions may be scheduled by request.We may ask to schedule an initial planning session outside of the market, depending on the project's needs and how much customization is required.Please note that there will be a wait commensurate to the complexity of the project and the difficulty of obtaining the requested materials.Examples of commissioned projects include:
• Wedding rings
• Buckles and brooches
• Decorative trinkets
Enchantments are optional and subject to in-depth discussion. Repair and restoration services are also available.

Logo/maker's mark by Titas!